
Subprocessors of Wikando GmbH

The data processor commissions the following companies as subprocessors:

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services Deutschland GmbH
Krausenstr. 38
10117 Berlin

E-Mail: aws-security@amazon.com

Object of processing: Hosting, storage, and monitoring of the SaaS application FundraisingBox.

Data processed or stored:

Billing Data Membership Contributions
Address Data Last Name
Age User ID
Salutation Username
Address Usage Data
Display Name Password
Bank Details PayPal Payer ID
Bank Account Data Profile Picture
User IDs Profile Data
Username Project Data
User Profiles Log Data
Images Registration Date
File Attachments Donation Receipts
File Transfer Donation Details
Date and Time of Query Language
Documents Master Data
Email Address Phone Number
Error Codes Text Inputs
Activation Date Title
Date of Birth Transaction Details
Gender Revenue
History VAT ID
ID Number Club Name
Content of the Query Club Profile
Content Data Club Membership
IP Address Contract Billing Data
Card Expiration Date Contract Data
Communication First Name
Communication Data Payment Data
Contact Data Payment Terms
Account Data Time
Credit Card Holder Time Zone
Performance and Utilization Metrics Access Status / HTTP Status
Log Data Access Times

Nature of processing: Processing consists of all data processing activities carried out by the controllers instructions, which are necessary to provide the services to the controller and for the purposes set out in the standard contractual clauses.

Duration of processing: The duration of processing is limited to the period necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the main contract unless there is a legal obligation.

Storage location of the data: Germany

You can find more information on data protection from Amazon Web Services here:

Information zu Compliance: https://aws.amazon.com/de/compliance/
Information on IT security and data protection: https://aws.amazon.com/de/security
Information about GDPR: https://aws.amazon.com/de/compliance/gdpr-center/


windata GmbH & Co.KG
Gegenbaurstraße 4
88239 Wangen im Allgäu
Phone: +49 7522 9770-0
E-Mail: info@windata.de, datenschutz@windata.de

Object of processing: Financial services for executing transactions and retrieving account balances.

Data processed or stored:

  • Address data
  • Bank details
  • Bank details
  • User IDs
  • Account details
  • Master data
  • Payment data

Nature of processing: Processing consists of all data processing activities carried out by the controllers instructions, which are necessary to provide the services to the controller and for the purposes set out in the standard contractual clauses.

Duration of processing: The duration of processing is limited to the period necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the main contract unless there is a legal obligation.

Storage location of the data: Germany
For more information about data protection at windata, click here:


Asana Deutschland GmbH
Neuturmstraße 5
80331 München

Object of processing: project management, product management, and work management

Data processed or stored:
  • User IDs
  • Email address
  • Protocol data
  • Transaction IDs
  • Transaction details

Nature of the processing: Processing consists of all data processing activities carried out by the controllers instructions, which are necessary to provide the services to the controller and for the purposes set out in the standard contractual clauses.

Duration of processing: The duration of processing is limited to the period necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the main contract unless there is a legal obligation.

Storage location of the data: Germany and the European Economic Area

For more information about data protection at Asana, click here:


Freshworks GmbH
Neue Grünstraße 17
10179 Berlin
Phone: +4930 58849246
EMail: support@freshworks.com

Object of processing: Ticket creation and processing, key accounting

Processed or stored data: All data you provide to us during ticket creation and processing.

Nature of processing: Processing consists of all data processing activities carried out by the controllers instructions, which are necessary to provide the services to the controller and for the purposes set out in the standard contractual clauses.

Duration of processing: The duration of processing is limited to the period necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the main contract unless there is a legal obligation.

Storage location of the data: Germany and the European Economic Area

For more information about data protection at Freshworks, click here:


Google Ireland Limited
Gordon House, Barrow Street
Dublin 4

E-Mail: support-deutschland@google.com

Object of processing: Use as a document management system

Nature of processing: Processing consists of all data processing activities carried out by the controllers instructions, which are necessary to provide the services to the controller and for the purposes set out in the standard contractual clauses.

Duration of processing: The duration of processing is limited to the period necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the main contract unless there is a legal obligation.

Storage location of the data: European Economic Area

For more information about data protection at Google, click here:


elasticsearch BV
Keizersgracht 281
1016 ED Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 207 947 300
E-Mail: emea-workplace@elastic.co

Object of processing: Storage and processing of log data, automated detection of errors and anomalies.

Processed or stored data: All data that is also stored on Amazon AWS.

Nature of the processing: Processing consists of all data processing activities carried out by the controllers instructions, which are necessary to provide the services to the controller and for the purposes set out in the standard contractual clauses.

Duration of processing: The duration of processing is limited to the period necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the main contract unless there is a legal obligation.

Storage location of the data: Germany and European Economic Area
For more information about data protection at Elastic.co, click here:


Fivetran Inc.
1221 Broadway Street
Suite 2400 Oakland
CA 94612

E-Mail: dpo@fivetran.com

Object of processing: Fivetran is an automated data integration platform that allows us to transfer data from a variety of sources into our data platform. It also supports compliance with data protection standards by ensuring that all data is processed in a compliant and consistent manner.

Processed or stored data: All data that is also stored on Amazon AWS.

Nature of processing: Processing consists of all data processing activities carried out by the controllers instructions, which are necessary to provide the services to the controller and for the purposes set out in the standard contractual clauses.

Duration of processing: The duration of processing is limited to the period necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the main contract unless there is a legal obligation.

Storage location of the data: Germany and European Economic Area

Further information on data protection at Fivetran can be found here:


MaxMind, Inc. Legal department
51 Pleasant Street # 1020 Malden
MA 02148

EMail: legal@maxmind.com

Object of processing: MaxMind is a tool to supplement IP addresses with additional information such as continent, country, and provider.

Nature of processing: Processing consists of all data processing activities carried out by the controllers instructions, which are necessary to provide the services to the controller and for the purposes set out in the standard contractual clauses.

Duration of processing: The duration of processing is limited to the period necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the main contract unless there is a legal obligation.

Storage location of the data: USA
For more information about data protection at MaxMind, click here:


Snowflake Computing Netherlands BV
FOZ Building
Gustav Mahlerlaan 300-314
1082 ME Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Object of processing: Snowflake is a cloud-based data platform that helps us to store data in a high-performance, secure and scalable manner and to process it with the aim of improving its analyzability and evaluability. This enables us to link data from different sources in order to gain valuable insights for the further development of the FundraisingBox and to increase the availability of data within the FundraisingBox.
Processed or stored data: All data that is also stored on Amazon AWS.
Nature of processing: Processing consists of all data processing activities carried out by the controllers instructions, which are necessary to provide the services to the controller and for the purposes set out in the standard contractual clauses.
Duration of processing: The duration of processing is limited to the period necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the main contract unless there is a legal obligation.
Storage location of the data: Germany and European Economic Area
Further information on Snowflake’s data protection can be found here:
Subprocessors of Wikando GmbH 2023 (DE)
Subprocessors of Wikando GmbH 2022 (DE)

Status: 22.04.2024

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